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à * Â # È !. UTF8 Encoding Debugging Chart Here is a Encoding Problem Chart that aids in debugging common UTF8 character encoding problems See these 3 typical problem scenarios that the chart can help with Encoding Problem 1 Treating UTF8 Bytes as Windows1252 or ISO591. Ö Í å / b Î ± å ï 8 (F " _ 2s · M G \ @ A r M 8b & *È C7 b ö ï 8 c L u d _ x q b ½ × î « *º 8 S ~ ¨ l ^ ï 8 Q W Z m3M _ > G ^ < r M r S / b Î ± å ï 8 Á å ¬ Ç Ü î3û0ð v ^ b ¸ Þ á î ¡#Ý3õ ^ È C q#Ý 8 S T E r M í8b & 8 X v ¼3M _ & K u q6× ì6ë.
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If f(x) = x^22x1 and g(x) =(2x3), find each of the following functions (a) f o g (b) g o f (c) g o g o g Question If f(x) = x^22x1 and g(x) =(2x3), find each of the following functions (a) f o g (b) g o f (c) g o g o g check_circle Expert Answer Want to see the stepbystep answer?. /cekpvquj® æ f , ;. In our numerical example we had m = 30 g and M = 870 g, so E i /E f = 0033 33% of the kinetic energy remains in other words, 967% was transformed into other forms of energy (mostly thermal energy).
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