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Find g(x) if it is known that g(x2)=4x−1 1196 Answer g(x)= 2g 4x 1 Stepbystep explanation You focus on the parenthesis first, g multiplied by x equals gx and g multiplied by 2 equals 2g. G É Ç ß @ É Ý É À ª å Ö Ã Ý r ´ æ ® Ã Â & J õ Æ ¾ ú Ï 1 ° í / c è É 1 µ í L n ° ¶ Ù ´ > H R E !. ^ C D ȃg N ̃^ C X g ̏Љ A ̐ ̃T C g Yahoo!.
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