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Cn cxg p. S I G N AT U R E P urs ua nt t o t he re qui re m e nt s of t he S e c uri t i e s E xc ha nge A c t of 1934, t he re gi s t ra nt ha s dul y c a us e d t hi s re port t o be s i gne d on i t s be ha l f by t he. èý Œ í Ç ñ e ;. U N I T E D S TAT E S S E C U R I T I E S A N D E X C H A N G E C O MMI S S I O N Washington, DC 549 F o r m 1 0 Q (Mark One) ☒ QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the quarterly period ended September 30,.
U n i te d A i r l i n e s H ol d i n gs , I n c U n i te d A i r l i n e s , I n c Q u ar te r l y R e p or t on F or m 10Q F or th e Q u ar te r l y P e r i od E n d e d S e p te mb e r 30,. ª€8imgòecindex="‚i1" ht=""/ 0/ à€> ˆ Aóize="1"ˆ ="Tim†ñserif">Š leftŠòwagonæirstƒ_ƒ_ƒ_ƒ_ƒ_ƒ_ƒ_ƒ^Do ¨‰ ‹ˆƒho xorŽˆ‘ sc’Xm„Á€itood‡Ðth’ e拨’h 댨boar‰°o‹`lp‹Šy” g‹Éibl’Ð è ™’P «‹ ‚ ‘ó‹M,äown‘ 8v ãaómil„©’ÿ’ün„8—‰ ”xy ²pri ‘ exha‹É’Qallíix’hup. I te m 801 O th e r E ve n ts P e p s i C o S e n i or N ote s O ffe r i n g O n A pri l 29, , P e ps i C o, Inc (“ P e ps i C o” ) a nnounc e d a n offe ri ng of €1,000,000,000 a ggre ga t e pri nc i pa l a m ount of i t s 0250% S e ni or N ot e s due.
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Ta bl e of C ont e nt s U N I T E D S TAT E S S E C U R I T I E S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M I S S I O N Was hi ngton, DC 549 F O R M 10Q. I te m 2 R e s u l ts of O p e r ati on s an d F i n an c i al C on d i ti on O n D e c e m be r 8, , A ut oZ one , Inc i s s ue d a pre s s re l e a s e a nnounc i ng i t s e a rni ngs for t he fi s c a l qua rt e r e nde d N ove m be r 21, w hi c h i s furni s he d a s. EXHIBIT 991 M i c roVi s i on A n n ou n c e s A d d i ti on of Ju d y C u r r an to i ts B oar d of D i re c tor s REDMOND, Wash, Dec 01, (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) MicroVision, Inc (Nasdaq MVIS), an innovative leader in solid.
3 S MF E Ma rke t D a t a F e e d a n d F I X O rd e r E n t ry 3 1 S MF E Ma rke t D a t a F e e d T h e S ma l l E xch a n g e Ma rke t Da t a F e e d (MDF ) p ro vi d e s a “Ma rke t b y O rd e r” vi e w o f ma rke t. The DFW CIV, DFW CV, DFW CVI, and DFW F37 were a family of German reconnaissance aircraft first used in 1916 in World War IThey were conventionally configured biplanes with unequalspan unstaggered wings and seating for the pilot and observer in tandem, open cockpits Like the DFW CII before them, these aircraft seated the gunner to the rear and armed him with a machine gun on a ring mount. FLIS Aÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿFCIS y(( SRCS / PK ã’ÂS d image/kitideapngíWHSa ^2† ë"BB¼ ‰ ‰è""¢Äpêþœsº±tI‰ N‰ öCË~ÄËôJDBDJ¼ˆˆˆèBÇ ¯dê¾ïÛ_sZ©™îÿœÍõ u$&ºsvv× ïÎá ¾çùÞçýû^)åe¹â±@ È—”ªàYÈX¶ ~ÛL¦€@ wº¼ôŠºîà Â׊€ÍòxÌ¢0©ÕÑX1B#™/N¤ Æà}‘FŠ \skÁÑž#ÈÄ 4†¥®uT–Hìaq\¹ Ƶ ¼‚GH €ãI.
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P D F X C h a n g e V i e w e r w w w d o c u tr a c k c o m Prototype 2nd from EEM 491 at Anadolu University You've reached the end of your free preview Want to read all pages?. ReOgle_primidu_MontCarmelXõÏHXõÏHBOOKMOBIÇc h&” \ 6^ =Š Fà K¯ SË Þ cî k¬ s¡ {Q ƒT ‹ “ › "¢È$ªð&²‡(¹^*ÀÞ,ÈÉІ0×L2ݨ4äO6ì£8ô ý?. QY ¡E( É=®³Ãþ y¶Üê ’>« Fo¯§Òª1rØÆhR äÎzËMžñLŠ D§ Û øz×{ák;K bQæ±;äî}«At=X‘jœ€1Ø} jQ¥X¬¢D· AÏÊH •i u#>m,xøŒ_¶\»!u •l¦Á ì85_Dœ %F© {TóivsÊÒK ±c’7œ~TÕÒ, X çï § žÓŸå¿ü •8òØÇÖ x52bà\ò¿^†ºx’ÎÚ8G wõ¢xf–)eŒ3Är‡ÐÑsm Ü^\»¶ç?`Ñ ’”—QJ.
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